Who we are

Welcome to the Club… All Pun intended.

Our mission in life is to provide a server where the Decentralized Men of this world know they can speak virtually to high quality Decentralized Women. U will not be talking to a Transformer who says he is a Decentralized Woman. They will be rated on how close there avatar is to what they actually look like. However if anyone chooses to put an actual Pic on there profile then Please put on some kind of mask. In this instance Size Does Not Matter…

Decentralized Women… You are the lifeblood of the WhoreDash server and we truly appreciate your beauty and your identity. Please make sure you do not have any of your information in your Discord name or profile. This is a Techy world we live in so please keep that in mind. And that is exactly why our server will be a great place for you ladies to make Plenty of Coin for absolutely nothing while remaining Absolutely Decentralized.